Elegant Chaos

Elegant Chaos

There is a tectonic tug-o-war taking place, the outcome of which will decide the fate of billions. It is a struggle between the decentralised dynamism, cooperation, and technological progression of free individuals and markets on the one hand, and the centralised regulatory burdens and coercion of the State on the other. It is a struggle between the deliberate forces of progress and those of arbitrary obstructionism. It is an epic struggle for resources between people and their faltering governments. We call this, Elegant Chaos.

The ‘Regulation’ Myth

The Free Market Works

By Russell Lamberti

Our economies need to be planned and regulated daily, even hourly, if we are to have any chance at success. They need to be micro-managed, scrutinised and guided by intelligent leaders. Success can only come by astute planning. We simply cannot abide any longer a hit-and-miss, unfettered economic system, fraught with greed, special favours, oligopolistic cronyism, and one that allows economic excesses to run rampant and unchecked. This is why we need free markets.

Weakening the rand not the way to wealth


By Russell Lamberti International trade is one of the most misunderstood issues in economics. The common misguided narrative goes something like this: exports are good and imports are bad, therefore exports should be promoted by industrial policies, while imports should be curtailed as much as possible by industrial policies. This is the basic thinking behind [...]